Stats / Horses / PRINCE OF ARRAN


C. Fellowes / Rating:

Import Type / Colour / Sex / Age / Country of Origin:
VIS / b / g / 12 yrs / GB
Owner: Saeed bel Obaida
Last win: -
Health: -
Bloodline Relations: PRINCE FALCON
Sire: Shirocco
Dam: Storming Sioux

Past Performances
Total Starts: 2: (0-0-0)
ST 2400m: 2 (0-0-0)
RaceTrack/GoingDistClRankTrainerWt.JockeyDrGrWinner2nd3rdWin TimeLast QtrSection TimeIn RunningW/MHorse WtRtOdds
08-12-19230ST tf g A2400G111C. Fellowes126M. Walker8XBGLORY VASELUCKY LILACEXULTANT2:24:7723.0398.18 23.96 24.846-6-5-5-6-1113.7510081133149
09-12-18239ST tf g A2400G18C. Fellowes126M. Walker14XBEXULTANTLYS GRACIEUXEZIYRA2:26:5623.21100.17 24.06 23.5114-14-14-14-13-87.510021128641

HKJC Comment

Ridden forward at start before crossing to rail in midfield shortly after start. Had an economical passage throughout before cornering only 2.5 lengths form lead. Tired badly in last section & was well beaten.