Hong Kong's second world war history

The 'Living Monuments' commemorating 75 years since the Battle of Hong Kong

Inspired by a memorial event marking the centenary of the Battle of Somme in Great Britain, Watershed, a local history and culture group, organised Living Monuments to commemorate the Battle of Hong Kong during the Second World War.

Thirty volunteers dressed as and acting like soldiers of the Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps (HKVDC) distribute cards to remind people about the history of the battle.

Before the Japanese occupation, which lasted three years and eight months, Hong Kong troops spent 18-days attempting to fend off the invading army, starting on 8 December, 1941. The Hong Kong garrison was composed of local troops as well as British, Canadian, Chinese and Portuguese units.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of that battle.


(Photo: SCMP’s Jonathan Wong)


December 11, 2016