Hong Kong national security law (NSL)

UK offers Hongkongers with BN(O) passports path to citizenship after new national security law

China's imposition of a national security law for Hong Kong violated the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on July 1, 2020. London has responded to Beijing’s move by offering about 3 million residents of the former colony a path to British citizenship. Previously, Hongkongers born in the former British colony before 1997 who applied for British National (Overseas) passports, as well as their spouses and underage children, were allowed to visit Britain for up to six months. But under the new arrangements, they will be able to live and work in the country for five years and later apply for settled status and citizenship. 

* This video has been updated to correct a grammar mistake. 

July 2, 2020