Hong Kong’s privacy commissioner for personal data says she wrote to Facebook with a series of questions and concerns over the new terms.
More than 40 per cent of the companies surveyed were not upbeat about their prospects for the year ahead.
Organisers deny the undertaking – which aims to publish a total of 30 million words over eight years – is a political mission by the central government.
The service, one of 103 Chinese and Russian entities on list, oversees airborne firefighting and law enforcement operations, search and rescue missions.
It was not immediately known where runaway patient Li Wan-keung, 63, might have visited, but police are looking into the possibility he patronised local vice establishments.
Dine-in services at restaurants will now be available until 10pm, with a maximum of four people per table, but you still won't be able to get a drink at your favourite bar.
Management believe the name will maximise opportunities for the school’s members amid dwindling enrolment in self-funding tertiary institutions in city.