YA books of the month for January 2021

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  • This month we have a new classic from the author of the philosophical novel ‘The Alchemist’, and one of the best representations of teen love from Meg Rosoff
  • Every month we recommend great reads for teens to add to your TBR pile
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Each month, we’ll share four of the books we reviewed. If you read any of them, share on social media, and don’t forget to tag us @youngposthk!

The Archer

The ArcherIf you’re remotely interested in philosophy, you may well have read Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist. His latest release promises to be as inspiring and motivating as that classic.

Read our review here and buy a copy here.

The Great Godden

The Great GoddenFew adult writers dissect adolescence with as much honesty and clarity as Meg Rosoff, so a new release from her is always cause for excitement. Add to that her ability to craft a perfect storyline, and it’s clear that this is going to be a favourite for years to come.

Read our review here and buy a copy here.

Still Water

Still WaterChris Priestley is a master of creating very real chills. In this short novella, he tells a deceptively simple story that hides a devastating truth. It combines the very real fears of the second world war with some far older superstitions to utterly terrifying effect. If you enjoy being spooked, this is unmissable.

Read our review here and buy a copy here.

I, Ada

I, AdaAll of us owe a great deal of thanks to Ada Lovelace. If you’ve never heard of this 19th-century woman, you’ve certainly benefited from her work: she is credited with being the world’s first computer programmer. This semi-fictionalised account of her life is a fascinating read, whether or not you’re interested in computers.

Read our review here and buy a copy here.

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