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10 times BTS made history

READ more on how BTS had made history here: https://sc.mp/style_bts_makes_history

BTS’ first English single, an Italian fan magazine, Red Dot design award and V’s dog went viral on Instagram – 4 reasons why the boy band is K-pop’s biggest brand

despite the Covid-19 pandemic, K-pops’ biggest boy band has only got bigger in 2020 – since the release of Map of the Soul: 7 in February, BTS has made headlines the world other – here’s STYLE’s 4 favourite new news nuggets

Following the release of the album “Map of the Soul: 7” in February, it’s been a busy few months for the BTS boys. And fortunately for fans, they don’t seem to be slowing down any time soon. Here’s how the band has been making headlines – even amid times of a global pandemic.

Watch for 10 times BTS made history

November 24, 2020