China and climate change
How China will achieve carbon neutrality by 2060
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Latest news and analysis on how China, the world's largest greenhouse gases emitter is tackling its goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2060.
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Beijing is under pressure to fill the leadership vacuum, but the world’s largest carbon emitter is resisting calls to provide more funding.
China’s efforts to help Vietnam recover from Yagi are a proactive move that hopefully will continue. Both sides should seize the opportunity.
We need to move away from consumerism and find better measures of economic progress – if we want to avoid a climate catastrophe
Cadres have been urged to ‘always be on high alert and take the initiative’ as water levels continue to rise along with deaths.
Asian countries may suffer setbacks in their manufacturing ambitions if they aren’t able to produce more sustainably from the start and decarbonise rapidly.
The US market may be closed to it but China can shape development in Africa – as a developer and operator of solar energy projects.
Saving lives and ensuring food security are vital as deadly rainstorms hit the south and drought cripples northern agricultural region.
In the midst of viral social media trends and appeals to populism, it’s far too easy to ignore the deadly consequences of global warming.
SCMP ColumnistRobert Delaney
Deadly highway collapse and tornado in storm-battered Guangdong province serve as reminders of importance of predicting and preparing for weather disasters.
As a developing country, China does not have to give directly to UN climate funds, such as the loss and damage fund. This has fuelled a debate over outdated categories.
Beijing’s climate chief has denied that the country is blocking talks about whether to commit to ‘phasing out’ fossil fuel use.
Like previous climate conferences, Cop28 seems to revolve around missed targets, unfulfilled commitments and the increasingly grave consequences of our failures. But China, while still the worst polluter, is quietly and steadily making a planet-leading energy transition.
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