Bruce Lee

Did Bruce Lee create mixed martial arts in Hong Kong?

The Chinese-American film and television superstar Bruce Lee was a disciplined athlete with legendary martial arts skills. 

While growing up in Hong Kong in the 50s and 60s, he founded his own hybrid philosophy of martial arts called Jeet Kune Do in 1967. 

Tragically, Lee died in Hong Kong at the age of 32 from cerebral oedema on July 20, 1973, the same year his film Enter the Dragon would be released posthumously. 

The action film would go on to become a smash box-office hit that sparked a worldwide interest in martial arts. 

Following Lee’s untimely death, combat sports leagues began to spring up around the world. While most people credit the US with inventing mixed martial arts, a growing number of enthusiasts are supporting Hong Kong’s claim that Bruce Lee is the true creator of MMA.

October 5, 2019