Asia’s territorial disputes

Border clashes, in the sea, air and land
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From the South China Sea to Taiwan, the Diaoyus and the Kurils, the India-China border and the airspace above Singapore and Malaysia, here are Asia's biggest territorial disputes explained.

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Foreign minister makes it clear China is a responsible power, champion of the global order and willing to cooperate against risks.
A recalibrated approach is needed to narrow differences, strengthen trust, and ensure a legally binding code that promotes regional stability.
Reaction to warships in Tasman Sea appears excessive, particularly when Australia dispatches forces to the Taiwan Strait and South China Sea.
Inaugural speech sounds like a copy of what the US president said eight years ago, but now China is better prepared to meet his challenges.
Crisis of trust between two countries with fragile economies has to be overcome for both their sakes.
Presidents Xi Jinping and Prabowo Subianto have complementary development visions for their countries and dialogue is the way forward.
Historical examples show that the South Asian rivals can navigate their differences when their leaders embrace imaginative diplomacy.
It is in the region’s interests to welcome the independent involvement of extra-regional powers to keep vital sea lanes free and open.
Resolution of dispute that sparked a border skirmish and talks between the leaders of China and India bring hopes of a lasting reset of ties.
Until an agreement is in place, disputes should be resolved through dialogue rather than resorting to force and violence.
China has scored easy points with the US distracted and Asean struggling to find its own voice. But a weak Asean risks losing its relevance.
US$1.6 billion pledged in proposed bill targeting China’s ‘malign influence’ would be more wisely invested in aiding underdeveloped nations.
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