Fun apps to keep your furry friend healthy
These five handy apps will help keep your furbaby safe and sound while letting you have some fun at the same time
Pet Master Pro
It can be a struggle to keep all the information about your pet safe, particularly if you have more than one. Pet Master Pro promises to be the ultimate organiser for all things furry, feathered or scaled. Keep track of your cute companion's health records, get reminders for vet appointments, and remember allergies and preferences with a very simple and useful database.
Available: iOS - Free, Android - HK$35
Pet First Aid
Designed by American Red Cross, this is an informative and even possibly life-saving app. It can help pet owners decode their furry friend's symptoms, perform first aid, and find the nearest vets. If your cat is wheezing or your dog has just been hit by a vehicle, a quick scan through the easy-to-use guide will tell you quickly what needs to be done, and whether professional medical assistance is needed.
Available: iOS/Android - Free
Like it or not, most pets - with the help of their owners - have Instagram accounts these days. In the age of Grumpy Cat, Boo, Colonel Meow and Brother Cream, pretty much all pet owners are looking for new ways to show others how cute their companion is - and make a quick buck, too. PetSnap is a simple camera tool that captures your pet's attention with noises, before snapping them and offering a few styling options.
Available: iOS - HK$15 (Android users will have to stick to Instagram)
iKibble Free
Can my dog eat that? This is the question you should ask yourself next time your beloved pup bounds up for a bite of human grub. Before you give in to His or Her Cuteness, have a quick flick through this app to see whether the cheese/avocado/gummy bear your pet has their heart set on will do them harm. Fast, informative and practically essential if you have a curious furbaby.
Available: iOS - Free, Android
"Bark bark ruff awooo!" Don't know what that means? Shame on you, bad pet owner! This light-hearted, non-scientific app is for anyone who has ever wanted to decode their beloved puppy or kitty's many noises. Like the song-identifying app Shazam, it analyses your pets' vocal tones and makes humorous, though not entirely accurate, "translations".
Available: iOS - Free (Android's equivalent, Talk to your Pet, claims to translate the owner's commands - Free)