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John Keane

John Keane

The digitisation of war reporting is turning conflicts into a ‘gamified’ social media performance. Censorship is as strong as ever, as is sensationalism, but civilian journalists can contribute to the ‘denaturing’ of war.


The failures of India’s dance with democracy are long in the making and not only linked to Narendra Modi’s brand of populism, write Debasish Roy Chowdhury and John Keane in their new book ‘To Kill A Democracy: India’s Passage to Despotism’.


The notion of a globally menacing ‘authoritarian China’ is too simplistic. Dig deeper, and you will find signs of local democratic experiments, thanks to its skittish rulers afraid of losing control.

Washington and Beijing may not admit it, but the truth is our planet, for the first time ever, is in the sway of two globally entangled empires. Does this brave new era need more ‘cold warriors’ – or an open-minded approach?