Opinion | The decline of the American empire: how Trumpism threatens democracy worldwide
The United States once championed democracy. Now it is retreating behind militarism, demagoguery and despotism
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In this second instalment of his two-part commentary, John Keane, Professor of Politics at the University of Sydney, explains how the widespread uncertainty and chaos triggered by the Trump administration reveals the dynamics of an empire’s retreat and decline – and why this administration poses a serious threat to democracy both at home and abroad. Read part one here.
There was a time, especially in the years after 1945, when America’s global reputation rode high. The empire had since the 19th century prided itself on its support for “democracy”, but after its World War II victories it had a free hand in playing the role of defender-in-chief of democracy and stoic guardian of the entire “free world”. In practice, it did some impressive things. In Europe, for instance, the Marshall Plan introduced the continent to American ways of life and helped build the foundations of a new middle class. America stood for economic growth and shared prosperity, high-quality roads, education, healthcare and other public services, and a belief in the principle that citizens are entitled to choose their own government. In popular culture, there was the allure of Coca-Cola, Hollywood, jazz, the all-shook-up Elvis Presley, Motown, Marilyn Monroe, Woody Allen, the rebel poetry of Bob Dylan, the melancholy magnetism of blue grass, gospel, soul and country music, the good-times fluff of the Beach Boys and the Monkeys. Even when things weren’t going well, America seemed reformable, capable of doing better.
But the times they are changing, and not for the better. The world is awash with bad news about the United States, its double standards, big-money politics, gun violence, loud-mouthed leadership, second-rate infrastructure and general social decadence. There’s of course Superbowl rap king Kendrick Lamar and the private-jet owning, cash-grabbing, fan-based “my covert narcissism I disguise as altruism like some kind of Congressman” pop-star businesswoman Taylor Swift. And it’s true that in some countries, Poland, Israel, Japan and the Philippines included, a majority of citizens say they hold a “favourable opinion” of the US. Elsewhere, however, research shows that in China, Turkey, Tunisia, Greece, Malaysia, Australia and France, public opinions about the US are split, or potentially hostile. Unsurprisingly, the research also shows that in countries such as Iran, Egypt and Afghanistan and, more generally in the wider Arab and Muslim world, millions of people say they loathe American imperial power and its ways of life. They think of it as a freak show. Mere mention of the US and its “democracy” tempts people to curse and spit.
These research findings are significant because they show that the light of democracy and freedom on America’s hill is fading. On the home front, whatever they say, Donald Trump and his supporters confirm the trend. They care little or nothing for democracy. Despotism is their thing. Constitutional niceties make no sense. Hero worship and demagoguery matter. Its rules are plain. Flood the zone. Strengthen executive power. Cross red lines. Defy existing laws and legal precedents. Bewilder citizens by issuing non-stop executive orders. Abolish guardrails and watchdogs. Arbitrarily dismiss inspectors general, judges and other guardians of public integrity. Reduce the power of legislatures to appropriate tax money and determine its spending. Trample on workers’ rights. End birthright citizenship. Freeze research, educational, social support and foreign aid programmes. Silence dissenters. Expect unquestioning loyalty from civil servants. Denounce journalists and experts who expose misconduct, corruption, and malfeasance as “far left” purveyors of fake news and partisans of the “deep state”.

‘Imperium militare’
Democracy promotion is also near the bottom of the fading empire’s list of global priorities. Treating the so-called rules-based order as a sham and practising bully politics backed by a might-makes-right mentality are the new gold standard. Which is a key reason why America, foolishly, is resorting to military force as a prime solution to its mounting global ills.