Explainer | What is HKPAX, Hong Kong ‘mega’ cultural event for performing arts from around world?
Hong Kong Performing Arts Expo, meant to promote the city as a global hub of culture, will feature a week of dance, theatre and networking

The promotional material for Hong Kong’s latest cultural event, HKPAX, certainly makes it sound like it has the X factor.
“We specifically believe that ‘Xplore’ [Explore], ‘Xperience’ [Experience], ‘Xpress’ [Express], ‘Xhibit’ [Exhibit], ‘Xchange’ [Exchange] are the HKPAX’s key attributes,” it reads.
Read on to find out more about the event.
What Xactly is HKPAX?
HKPAX stands for Hong Kong Performing Arts Expo, the government’s latest initiative to promote the city as a hub for international cultural exchange.

Organised by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, HKPAX runs from October 14-18. Its main purpose is to bring together performing arts institutions and artists from China and elsewhere so they can network, pitch, present works and explore international touring opportunities.
In addition, dozens of public performances will take place across Hong Kong in what amounts to an autumn arts festival.

These include special programmes designed for HKPAX by the city’s leading performing arts groups, as well as new productions co-presented by the expo with local and international artists.