Hong Kong students plan “sibling march” as part of March For Our Lives movement
The march is one of more than 820 taking place across every continent planned by students, parents and survivors of gun violence
A group of students are waiting to hear if they are allowed to gather in Hong Kong on Sunday to march in support of March For Our Lives, the US anti-gun movement.
The movement follows the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman High School in Parkland, in the US state of Florida, where 17 students and staff were killed by a gunman on Valentine’s Day. The Hong Kong march will be one of more than 820 taking place all around the world planned by students, parents, and survivors of gun violence. The main march takes place on Saturday in Washington DC in the United States.
Hong Kong’s march, which supports the US students’ efforts is called a “sibling march”. The US students are calling on their lawmakers to pass tighter gun laws and place student lives at the centre of their discussions.
“We recognise how fortunate we are to live in a city where gun crime is almost non-existent and where students feel safe in their schools. We feel this is a basic right that our fellow students in the US deserve,” said 15-year-old Lily Merrett, a student at International College Hong Kong and part of the Hong Kong march, in a press release. “We invite students, their parents, and anyone who supports sensible gun laws to join us on Sunday for a peaceful display of support.”
The planned Hong Kong march will be 1.5km long, and organisers have urged participants to show up wearing blue at Central’s Pier 10 at 10am.
To find out the latest on this march, visit March For Our Lives Hong Kong on Facebook, or @MFOLHongKong on Twitter.