Scientists discover world’s largest coral near the Solomon Islands
The ‘mega coral’ is three times bigger than the previous record holder and offers hope for coral reefs struggling in warmer waters.

Scientists have found the world’s largest coral near the Pacific’s Solomon Islands, announcing the significant discovery “pulsing with life and colour” last month.
The coral is so immense that researchers sailing the crystal waters of the Solomon archipelago initially thought they had stumbled across a massive shipwreck.
“Just when we think there is nothing left to discover on planet Earth, we find a massive coral made of nearly one billion little polyps, pulsing with life and colour,” marine ecologist Enric Sala said.
Researchers said the stand-alone structure had been growing for 300 years, formed from a “complex network” of tiny coral polyps. They explained that it was distinct from a coral reef made from many distinct coral colonies.
Measuring 34 metres wide and 32 metres long, the team said the “mega coral” was three times bigger than the previous record holder – a coral dubbed “Big Momma” in American Samoa.
“While Big Momma looked like a huge scoop of ice cream plopped down on the reef, this newly discovered coral is as if the ice cream started to melt, spreading forever along the sea floor,” said lead scientist Molly Timmers.
It was longer than a blue whale and was thought to be “so colossal” that it could “be seen from space”.
The coral was discovered at the southeastern tip of the Solomon Islands in an area known as the Three Sisters. It was spotted by a National Geographic team embarking on a scientific expedition in the region. Hotter and more acidic oceans have drained the life from corals in many of the region’s tropical waters, including Australia’s famed Great Barrier Reef.
But this latest discovery offered a small glimmer of hope, the research team said.
“While the nearby shallow reefs were degraded due to warmer seas, witnessing this large, healthy coral oasis in slightly deeper waters is a beacon of hope,” said coral scientist Eric Brown.
The lush rainforests and pristine waters of the Solomon Islands have long been celebrated for their ecological diversity.
Wildlife observations made in the Solomon Islands in the 1920s helped prove a key part of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution.
“There is so much to learn about the richness of marine life and the ocean ecosystem, but this finding opens doors of knowledge,” said top Solomon Islands official Collin Beck.
“More scientific research is needed to better understand our rich biodiversity and our planet.”
Agence France-Presse
What exactly is coral?
Corals are invertebrate animals belonging to a large group of colourful and fascinating animals called Cnidaria. Other animals in this group include jellyfish and sea anemones.
All Cnidarians have a simple stomach with a single mouth opening surrounded by stinging tentacles (see graphic). Each coral animal is called a polyp. Most corals live in large groups or colonies of hundreds or thousands of identical polyps. These are called coral reefs.
Coral reefs offer both food and protection for various marine animals. Tiny creatures use the coral as a hiding place, while fish that eat algae prevent the coral from being overgrown.
This creates a balanced ecosystem where many different sea creatures can live and survive.