China's presidential term limit: Opinion
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China's presidential term limit: Opinion
The latest news, analysis and opinion on China's presidential term limit: Opinion. In-depth analysis, industry insights and expert opinion.
China's presidential term limit
How the West got China’s leader, Xi Jinping, wrong
The Western media have portrayed Xi’s extension of power in a negative light even though there are checks on his power, and China today is very different from during the Cultural Revolution.
5 Apr 2018 - 9:56PM
Hong Kong localism, independence
Tam has a point: Beijing’s Hong Kong policy will only get tougher
25 Mar 2018 - 5:50PM
China's Two Sessions 2018
China’s new constitution befits a nation on the rise
23 Mar 2018 - 3:58PM
Xi Jinping
For Xi Jinping, do titles matter more than they should?
Now in position to lead his nation indefinitely, the leader could be the most powerful man in Beijing since Mao Zedong, but history suggests titles and power don’t necessarily go hand in hand.
12 Mar 2018 - 7:10PM
Xi Jinping
Sino File
‘President for life Xi’ risks repeat of China’s Mao-era mistakes
A reliance on the strongman model of leadership poses dangers not only to the Chinese president – but to China itself.
12 Mar 2018 - 1:57PM
China Briefing
China Briefing
Why China’s silence on Xi’s term limits move portends trouble
Forget the trade deficit – China’s trust deficit with the West threatens to do far more damage.
12 Mar 2018 - 1:56PM
China's Two Sessions 2018
China needs Xi to stay at the helm to finish his anti-corruption drive
The removal of the term limit on the presidency, enabling Xi Jinping to stay in office indefinitely, will allow him to see through his anti-corruption campaign.
6 Mar 2018 - 5:53PM
Xi Jinping
Quick Take
Xi’s no Mao … or Deng … or Chiang – so who is he?
The scrapping of presidential term limits in China puts a question mark over what will come next. But ignore lazy rhetoric that likens Xi to an emperor – China’s chequered history of power transitions provides few answers.
6 Mar 2018 - 5:53PM
Xi Jinping
Asian Angle
What an unlimited Xi presidency means for China’s neighbours
Scrapping the two-term limit on the Chinese presidency will have profound ramifications for the region. While Asia may have to accept a more assertive China is here to stay, most countries have reasons for cautious optimism.
6 Mar 2018 - 5:53PM
Xi Jinping
Will China pay too high a price for ending curb on leader’s power?
Xi Jinping may have good intentions for removing the rule limiting a president to two terms in office but, in the long run, society won’t be better off by overturning an institution put in place to prevent power abuse.
6 Mar 2018 - 5:53PM
Xi Jinping
Proposal to abolish term limit for president could buy more time to pursue reforms
As Xi Jinping pushes for the abolition of restriction on years in power, the case for strong leadership needs to be balanced against painful lessons of history
6 Mar 2018 - 5:53PM
Xi Jinping
My Take
Too late to ‘pocket first’ as Xi seeks to abolish term limits
Pan-dems ignored the advice of Shih Wing-ching on the 2015 reform package but now with events in Beijing they would be wise to pursue a different course
6 Mar 2018 - 5:53PM
China's Two Sessions 2018
Xi in power beyond 2023 may be good for China, but don’t tell the West
China’s move to scrap the presidential term limit cannot be seen purely in black and white terms. Strongman leadership is not reviled in Asia the way it is in the West.
6 Mar 2018 - 5:53PM