Depression is something we’ve all heard of, but not many people talk about.
When was the last time you questioned your mental health? When you’re under a great deal of pressure, it’s not uncommon to act differently, struggle to deal with your emotions, or lose your appetite. All of these are also symptoms of depression. You might think of it as nothing more than a mood swing, or a bad day. But, if not treated properly, the consequences could be serious.
Most people suffering from depression find it hard to fight. But it’s not impossible. I had a friend who fought her way through depression. She is now an optimistic person and is dedicated to helping others in need.
If you have a friend who you think is struggling from depression or stress, reach out to them. Even though I’ve never experienced depression, I do have some advice for good mental health, as I have suffered from stress.
Keeping a diary and writing down the things that make you happy is a good way to remind yourself of all the positive things in your life. Another piece of advice is to confide in people you trust. It’s normal to vent and complain from time to time. Having someone who listens to you helps you feel understood.
Many people underestimate just how serious depression is. Our mental health has a huge influence on our personal development. I hope that anyone who is stressed, or feeling anxious or depressed finds some encouragement in my words.
Catherine Wong, Stewards Ma Kam Ming Charitable Foundation Ma Ko Pan Memorial College
From the Editor
Thank you for your email, Catherine. Many people don’t understand depression. They often think that people must have a specific incident that makes them feel sad. This is not usually the case. It is often a buildup of feelings of hopelessness, usually because the person believes three things. The first is that they are at fault, the second is that they have no ability to change anything to make their lives better and thirdly that everything in their lives is affected by whatever is wrong.
Often, they are unable to reach out for help, which is not only sad but serious. When people are in this kind of situation it is hard for them to understand that it is not “them” but it is the sickness that makes them this way. There is help available. They need to talk to friends and school councillors so that they can start their journey to recovery.
Susan, Editor