Letters | UK can hardly criticise Hong Kong on press freedom
Readers discuss two arrests in the UK, and efforts to cultivate patriotism in Hong Kong

There needs to be, I believe, some balance and perspective in proclamations of this kind. Recent actions by the police in the United Kingdom are, perhaps, even more worrying than those taken by the Hong Kong authorities.
Independent British journalist Richard Medhurst was arrested on arrival at Heathrow Airport and reporter and activist Sarah Wilkinson was arrested at 7.30am at her home. Both have been drawing attention to Gaza. In both cases, the counter terrorism police were involved and both said their human rights were abused.
The police actions appear to be acts of intimidation designed to deter reporting which the UK government does not like and are contrary to Article 9 (related to arbitrary arrest) and Article 19 (related to freedom of expression and opinion) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Curiously, and very worrying, is that although reports of these events are available on social media, the UK mainstream media seems to have ignored them.