Hong Kong’s Ocean Park to consider extending panda cub enclosure opening hours
Park chairman Paulo Pong says extended hours could start as soon as second half of this year, but will depend on cubs’ well-being and growth

Park chairman Paulo Pong Kin-yee said on Sunday that while the number of visitors was set to increase after the cubs’ debut that day, the duo was still sensitive to excessive noise and human scents.
“Perhaps in the second half of this year, or next year, we can extend the visiting hours of the baby giant pandas,” he said in a televised interview.
“But this would depend on their growth and the team’s assessment, as they need to factor in time for mother Ying Ying to feed them, which is why we bring them back to the dens after 3pm.”
He said the park would also offer more panda-themed experiences to help increase revenue.
“Starting in April or May, we might offer workshops such as making wowotou or paper from giant panda dung. These will be paid experiences,” he said.
Wowotou is a type of steamed cornbread that is fed to the pandas to help them meet their daily dietary requirements.