Panda Watch: Hong Kong’s twin cubs to make public debut after Lunar New Year
‘Elder Sister’ and ‘Younger Brother’ are now playing, crawling on grass, climbing up rocks and clawing trees

Hong Kong’s giant panda twin cubs will finally make their debut public appearance in February, the city leader has announced, around six months after the bears were born.
“Elder Sister” and “Younger Brother”, born to giant panda Ying Ying, would be ready to greet visitors at their home in Ocean Park after Lunar New Year, Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu said in a media briefing before his Executive Council meeting this week.
“The pair of giant panda cubs are around six months old and will meet the public in February,” he said.
Meanwhile, Ying Ying has started spending some time in her enclosure at Giant Panda Adventure as she needs downtime to relax and recharge. The mother has begun taking care of both cubs at the same time.
“Elder Sister” and “Younger Brother” have recently started playing, climbing, crawling on grass, climbing up rocks and clawing trees at an enclosure.