Hong Kong pandas An An and Ke Ke meet the press ahead of Sunday’s public unveiling
Two bears gifted by Beijing to welcome visitors on Sunday at new home in Ocean Park’s Hong Kong Jockey Club Sichuan Treasures area

A pair of pandas gifted to Hong Kong by Beijing put on an energetic display as they met members of the press on Monday, days before the duo will be unveiled to the public after spending two months in quarantine.
The adult bears, male An An and female Ke Ke, spent time getting acquainted with visitors and stepping out in front of the cameras during the media preview ahead of the big day at Ocean Park on Sunday.
Curious to see the group of visitors, Ke Ke crawled cautiously towards the front of the enclosure as she followed a trail of treats left by her zookeeper.
She then stood up against the glass panel and peered inquisitively at the crowd before crawling onto her tree stump “throne” to munch on bamboo shoots.
At the neighbouring enclosure, An An was more lively and climbed up and down obstacles made out of tree branches.
He then lay in a bed of bamboo leaves while happily feasting, unbothered by the many cameras pointing at him.