Five drinking apps for geeks, experts and liquor lovers

Check out Vivino, Mixtura, Hooch, Flaviar and DrinkControl
Many wine and spirits apps on the market are targeted at expert drinkers only. We have selected five informative and user-friendly apps for drinkers with different interests.
WHAT: This app allows you to scan any wine label and learn its rating, review and average price. It also tracks and organises the wines you have tasted, and offers a comprehensive and personalised taste profile.

VERDICT: This app is ideal for infrequent wine drinkers who are looking to step up their game. Not only is it a great wine-shopping sidekick, it is a major lifesaver on date nights – Vivino allows you to scan wine lists and helps you pick the best one.
WHAT: Simply put, this is a pocket cocktail recipe book. An extra customisation function allows you to type in what you have in your bar at home. You will get cocktail recommendations based on the information you submit.

VERDICT: This is exactly what you need when you are hosting a dinner party and, at the last minute, you realise you’ve run out of a certain liquor. We also love the sleek design of the app and the illustrative animations.