The places tap water tastes so good you don’t need to buy the polluting bottled kind
Water from the tap so good you don’t need to buy plastic bottles of the stuff? It does exist, travel insurer’s survey of social media finds

Austria was next best in Europe, the insurance company said, with Australia, New Zealand and Chilean Patagonia getting “honourable mentions” from Reddit.
“Vienna is specifically highlighted for its high-quality hydration, while Swiss cities like Geneva, Lausanne and Zurich consistently impress travellers with their exceptional tasting tap water too,” AllClear said, summing up the Reddit reviews. Rome, Portland, Seattle and Melbourne were among the other cities also praised for having tasty tap water.

AllClear said that going on holiday in regions where the tap water is tasty allows travellers to forgo purchases of bottled water.
According to official data collated by the World Health Organization, as of 2022, almost 30 per cent of the world’s people did not have regular or convenient access to clean and safe drinking water.