What Bhutan’s authentic food is like, from ema datshi to hardened yak cheese
The Bhutanese like lots of cheese and chillies in their food, such as in ema datshi, but many restaurants tone down flavours for tourists

The only country that measures its success by a Gross National Happiness Index, Bhutan is famous for its scenic towns, historic landmarks and sprawling untouched beauty.
“If there’s no cheese, it’s not Bhutanese food,” says chef Bleu Tshering Dorji, co-owner of Phangu, a modern restaurant in Thimphu, the capital of Bhutan.
“If there’s no chillies, it’s not Bhutanese food either, and it’s all made to go with rice,” she adds.

According to Bleu, when local Bhutanese chillies are still green, the spice has not developed. As they ripen to dark green, the heat level rises. At its maturity the chilli turns red and is at its most potent.