5 Christmas gift ideas that are completely free
- Want to get something nice for your friends or family but strapped for cash? Here are five priceless (and free) presents they’ll appreciate
- Does your sibling have a chore you know they HATE to do? Offer to do it for them!
It’s three more weeks to Christmas and it’s high time you get your gifts sorted if you’re planning to give any away this year. If you’re low on funds but still want to give your loved ones something to show them you care, here are five fantastic free gifts that are sure to put a smile on their face.
Chore coupons
Do your parents or siblings have a household chore that they hate doing? If so, a home-made chore coupon will make the perfect gift for them. You can offer to take over some of the unpleasant chores on their to-do list (think weekly grocery shopping, washing dishes, and scrubbing toilets, etc). Remember to specify how long you’ll be doing the chore for them though. If you don’t, you might be stuck with it for a really long time!
Christmas time capsule
A time capsule is a container that holds present-day items, such as photos, newspapers, and letters that are then usually buried so that it can be discovered by people years later. You can make your own special Christmas time capsule using an empty cookie jar, a shoebox, or a used tin box. Decorate it with paint, stickers or scraps of wrapping paper. Then put in some items that are special to you and your friend. You can even hide your capsule near your favourite hideout and plan a Christmas scavenger hunt for your friend to go on.
Did you get a present that isn't really you? There's nothing wrong with regifting!
The gift of time
When was the last time you dedicated a whole day to your favourite person? This year, try doing something different: cancel all your plans and spend some quality time with them. You can go on a hike together, spend a day at the beach, or visit a museum. And if there’s an activity they’ve wanted to do that you weren’t so interested in, you could surprise them by organising to do that activity. It will give them the feeling that this day is really all about them.
A list of reasons why they rock
Upcycled gifts
There is no shame in regifting a present you don’t need, as long as it’s something you think the receiver would appreciate. You could even add a personal touch to it, like their initials or a photo of you together, to make it more personal. Look through your drawers and the back of your wardrobe and see what items can be repurposed. You can turn a dress into a scarf, or and old, forgotten box of crayons into a rainbow candle. There are no strict rules; just don’t regift actual junk or damaged items.