Opinion | Why did US diplomat say Scarborough Shoal belonged to the Philippines?
- Amid South China Sea tensions, Nicholas Burns’ incorrect assertion that the disputed Scarborough Shoal and Second Thomas Shoal were Philippine territory may reflect US bias at work
- This highlights a hardening US stance against China and Beijing’s communication challenges

He added: “The International Court of Justice, which is the relevant legal body, ruled in July 2016 decisively in favour of the Philippines. And so that that territory is the sovereign territory of the Philippines and that China’s legal claim to it has no basis in international law. All the rest of the world understands that and recognises that this is sovereign Filipino territory.”
As Unclos “does not address the sovereignty of states over land territory”, the tribunal said in the ruling, it has “not been asked to, and does not purport to, make any ruling as to which state enjoys sovereignty over any land territory in the South China Sea, in particular with respect to the disputes concerning sovereignty over the Spratly Islands or Scarborough Shoal”.