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William Han

William Han

William Han is a lawyer and writer. Born in Taiwan and a citizen of New Zealand, he is a graduate of Yale College and Columbia Law School.

‘Even if tomorrow this island fantasy comes to an abrupt and fiery end, in a thousand years, history books will record the first culturally Chinese democracy.’


Accusations of discrimination against Asian students by Yale University are just another instance of white American conservatives using the Asian ‘model minority’ myth to attack the interests of others.


Under the leadership of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, the country is now virus-free – but the ‘lonely fortress’ needs the rest of the globalised and interdependent world.

William Han was living in Serbia when Europe’s Covid-19 cases began to mount. As surrounding countries started sealing their borders, he decided it was time to get out.

Why grease the palm of an admissions official when there are perfectly legal ways of cheating your way into America’s top universities? And among the most pernicious is this: the time-honoured tradition of ‘legacy’ places

Enamoured by the tale of Gan Ying, an ancient Chinese explorer who set out to reach Rome, William Han decided to follow his path – from Hong Kong to Italy, via the likes of Afghanistan and Iran. Here is the fourth excerpt from his book

Enamoured by the tale of Gan Ying, an ancient Chinese explorer who set out to reach Rome, William Han decided to follow his path – from Hong Kong to Italy, via the likes of Afghanistan and Iran. Here is the third excerpt from his book

Enamoured by the tale of Gan Ying, an ancient Chinese explorer who set out to reach Rome, William Han decided to follow his path – from Hong Kong to Italy, via the likes of Afghanistan and Iran. Here is the second excerpt from his book

Enamoured by the tale of Gan Ying, an ancient Chinese explorer who set out to contact the Roman Empire, William Han decided to follow in his path – from Hong Kong to Italy, via the likes of Afghanistan and Iran

News about US Supreme Court nominee jogs a disturbing memory for a fellow graduate. A vision of two faces of America: the privileged and the marginalised. And the ugly privileged are tearing off their masks.
