Business as usual with a coat of green paint is not enough to ensure the survival of future generations. Moving to a green economy is a process full of vision, value and cooperation that can turn creative destruction into creative construction.
For the US in particular, ‘principle’ has become a byword for political profit, which can be coupled with financial profit to achieve supremacy. For the international brands stuck between making a financial profit and a government’s ‘political profit’, decisions have to be balanced very carefully.
As virtual communities erase national borders and information barriers dissolve, democracy needs to move away from its industrial-age roots if it is to flourish in this new age of social media and Big Tech.
Global supply and value chains are more enmeshed than ever, even as disruptive technologies erase boundaries in space and time, making decoupling a practical impossibility, never mind a viable threat.
With dominance of leading-edge technologies so crucial in today’s world and crucial to China’s growth targets, bargaining over its ownership blurs the line between trading and transferring it.
Most goods and services rely on a vast network of trade relations, and technological breakthroughs will bring disruptions that requires societies to work together to find solutions.