Ken Kwek

Ken Kwek

Ken Kwek is a filmmaker, playwright and novelist

Improving housing conditions for migrant workers shouldn’t be the only concern, they say – bigger challenges existed well before the current pandemic.


That 90 per cent of coronavirus infections are linked to Singapore’s migrant worker dormitories reveals ingrained prejudices. The question is, will anything change?

From celebrating birthdays in isolation to being unexpectedly exposed to distant cultures – Ken Kwek take a closer look at the lockdowns’ impact on two creatives.


Ken Kwek discovers what life is like now for more than 20 filmmakers, creative writers, performing artists and technicians from the two countries, including Ivan Heng, Adrian Pang, Huzir Sulaiman and Jo Kukathas.

A rogue director made off with their film reels when they were teenagers in the 1990s. Today, they recount and reclaim their stolen dreams in a captivating new Netflix documentary

The Lion City’s discussion of a law criminalising homosexual acts has unleashed a barely disguised politics of disgust that is inflicting real damage on the mental health of LGBTI individuals

Inspired by a Hong Kong athlete’s decision to speak out about sexual abuse, Singaporean hurdler Kerstin Ong took a similar step. The response she received shows the Lion City’s sport bodies have been left on the starting blocks.

The centrepiece of the Singapore Theatre Festival forces audiences to confront this question: can anyone complain about a government’s lack of transparency when no one is willing to stick their necks out for it?