David Josef Volodzko

David Josef Volodzko

Was North Korean leader’s surprise international debut in Beijing an auspicious sign ahead of meetings with the leaders of South Korea and the United States – or an attempt to gain an advantage?

In South Korea, the campaign against sexual harassment has taken down a presidential hopeful and a freedom fighter turned poet who once had hopes of a Nobel Prize. In a notoriously patriarchal society, where will it end?

A smiling sister, beautiful cheerleaders and an unprecedented invitation to the US president. It looks rosy, but a shadow hangs over North Korea’s charm offensive

A U-turn over a free-trade agreement he once championed has critics of the South Korean president questioning both his loyalty to the US and his ability to deliver a more equitable economy.


Kim Yo-jong first entered the public eye during one of North Korea’s darkest moments. Now she is back on stage for one of its brightest – helming Pyongyang’s Olympic charm offensive.

Is North Korea’s Kim Jong-un sincere in his rapprochement to Seoul or is his supposed olive branch just a ruse to bide time as he continues to build a nuclear arsenal?

As Trump, Xi Jinping and Shinzo Abe wring their hands over Kim Jong-un’s nuclear plans, South Korean leader Moon Jae-in gets the diplomatic cold shoulder known as ‘Korea passing’ – and it’s likely to get worse.


In a land where nuclear threats are like background noise, one world leader has managed to unsettle the public with his shrill, bellicose threats. Guess who...


A new East Asian power alignment is shaping up on the Korean Peninsula as South Korea begins to distance itself from the United States to establish better relations with the North and Russia enters the mix.


Putin blames the United States, Edward Snowden blames Russia and the US blames Pyongyang, via the shady Lazarus Group. Here’s the lowdown


Sabre-rattling is a way of life on the Korean Peninsula, but as big players put weapons of war into position, some are starting to think the alarm bells may be getting too loud to be false.
