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Chietigj Bajpaee

Chietigj Bajpaee

Chietigj Bajpaee is a senior fellow for South Asia at Chatham House, a London-based public policy think-tank.

There are real concerns, from the BJP’s Hindu nationalist rhetoric to media muzzling, but Modi’s likely re-election merely reflects his popularity. The country’s democracy is imperfect but it is more robust than might initially be perceived.


New Delhi is framing the summit as the country’s coming-out party, on the level of the Beijing 2008 Olympics. India is in a stronger position economically and geopolitically today than it was the last time it had a prominent international role, under Nehru.


While America will remain a power of consequence for the foreseeable future, it is ceding ground in international affairs and creating a power void for Asia to do more. China, India, Japan and other powers must step up to assume greater responsibilities for global security.