Philippines in Brics – would joining mend ties with China?
A senator is urging Manila to join the bloc and adopt a more balanced foreign policy amid the ‘inevitable’ march to a more multipolar world

Senator Aquilino Pimentel III, the Senate minority leader and a former chair of the foreign relations committee, made the case last week, saying that Brics offers a “viable alternative” to the current Western-dominated global order.
“Let the Philippines apply to join Brics,” Pimentel said in a Senate speech, arguing that membership could help the country embrace a balanced foreign policy. “The march to a multipolar world is inevitable as such is consistent with human nature. We should support the idea of a multipolar world.”
Brics, which started with Brazil, Russia, India, and China, has since expanded to include South Africa, Egypt, Iran, and most recently Indonesia – making the proposal more urgent in the senator’s view. He said he envisioned the Philippines as “a friend to all nations” and saw its potential as a “neutral venue for talks, especially those involving the settling of disputes”.