Japan’s NHK under fire after ‘broadcast hijacking’ by Chinese reporter over Diaoyu Islands
A Chinese journalist working for NHK sparked controversy by claiming disputed islands in the East China Sea belong to China during a broadcast

Releasing the report at a press conference in Tokyo on Tuesday, NHK President Nobuo Inaba said the incident was a “case of broadcast hijacking”.
“It is an extremely serious situation that violated NHK’s own international programme standards and NHK failed to fulfil its responsibility as stipulated by the Broadcasting Act, which we take very seriously,” Inaba said. “We once again offer our profound apologies.”
In his unscripted 20-second comments, he also said that Chinese people should not forget the 1937 Nanking massacre, “comfort women” forced to work in military brothels during World War II and the victims of Unit 731, which used chemical and biological weapons against military and civilian targets.