Xi-Trump Mar-a-Lago summit: beyond sweet nothings
Florida meeting between US and Chinese presidents gives reasons for cautious optimism regarding North Korea, the South China Sea and Taiwan
The United States and China have every reason to want not only to manage their bilateral relations well but also to cooperate on regional and global issues where they can and to minimise conflict where they cannot. Xi might have exaggerated a bit when he said there were “a thousand reasons to get China-US relations right, and not one reason to spoil the China-US relationship”, but it was a good place to start.
WATCH: Trump says he’s developed a friendship with Xi
Trade has been the overwhelming focus of much of Trump’s foreign policy since before he entered the White House. Much of what he has said about trade has been nonsensical, such as his call for a trade surplus with every other country. But he was elected because he promised – perhaps overpromised – the return of jobs to America, and he has interpreted that promise in terms of “fair trade” versus “free trade”.
How Trump-Xi talks in Mar-a-Lago were influenced before a word was said
A working group is to be formed with a “100-day plan” to bolster American exports and reduce the US bilateral deficit. As Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross acknowledged, this may be ambitious, but it is an important symbol of what he called the “growing rapport” between the two countries. China has every incentive to address these issues in a way that, while not selling out its own interests, appeals to Trump’s conception of fair treatment.
There are, of course, many aspects of fair treatment that will require major shifts in the way that Beijing does business, including the way it treats foreign-invested firms in China. But if Xi is serious about avoiding tensions, much less a trade war, it is reasonable to assume China will find a way to do what is necessary.
North Korea promised to be, along with trade, the most neuralgic issue. It is highly unlikely that China has agreed to some of the draconian measures, such as a cutoff of food and oil, that many in the US would like.