The new normal for trail running during coronavirus – what does it look like and how long will it be here?
- Bob Crowley, head of ITRA, warns that social distancing rules will be in trail running deep into 2021, but he hopes the community aspect will not suffer
Trail races are beginning to return across the world after a months-long hiatus due to the coronavirus. But they are a far cry from the events runners are used to, with safety measures to protect participants and volunteers.
The International Trail Running Association (ITRA) released guidelines for races, including suggestions on face masks and social distancing at the start, checkpoints and finish.
“The whole community of trail running is based on the fun and the anxiousness of gathering at the start, the comradeship and, of course, the celebration at the end,” said ITRA president Bob Crowley.
“Everyone is hanging out, drinking beer, high-fiving and cheering everyone on. That, for now, is gone. For me, an old guy of trail running, that is what attracted me to the sport, and I am concerned for at least the near term, that which makes our sport unique, has been sucked out.”
For the time being at least, races are back in some form, but Crowley warned the community not to get ahead of itself.