Cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset
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In today’s age of start-ups, entrepreneurship and innovation skills are more important than ever. They even increase students’ chances of entering elite universities.
The Spike Lab, set up in 2016 in New York by two Americans, has helped students enter top institutions by bringing into fruition their self-initiated projects, including publishing a book crowdsourced from high school writers from around the world, creating data visualizations to help small nonprofits become more efficient, and designing an experiential classical violin concert through a series of mini popup concerts.
One student was accepted by University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business on the strength of her bold project advocating sustainability. She was actually the first student in her school’s recent history to enter the acclaimed business school. By appealing directly to potential donors, she raised funds for the installation of four electricity-producing bikes at a school and devised a health curriculum revolving around the use of a bike to promote fitness and alternative modes of transportation.
The inspiring project was done with coaching from The Spike Lab, whose mission is to help students develop their passions into “Spikes”, meaning unique achievements, that will help them stand out among the hundreds of thousands of university applicants each year. The Spike Lab specializes in both on-line, one-on-one coaching for developing Spikes, as well as providing whole support for students’ university applications. Coaches help senior year students create lists of colleges that fit them well based on their interests and personality, not just scores.