Coding camp powerhouse iDtech continues to make waves in Hong Kong

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As technology continues to dramatically change the employment landscape, the most important language for children to learn in the near future might not be English or Mandarin, but the universal language of coding.
Luckily for Hongkongers, iD Tech - the world’s leading coding summer camp provider for kids and teens aged 7-19 - is back to the city for a third straight year and they are offering a variety of classes with their partner institution, Koding Kingdom in Cyberport.
“In the US, a lot of parents are finally starting to look at coding as core curriculum rather than an elective,” said Pete Ingram-Cauchi, iD Tech’s CEO for nearly twenty years. “I’m not sure if this is happening in Asia yet, but I assume it’s starting to, and we want to be a part of that.”
Ingram-Cauchi’s mother and sister founded iD Tech more than 20 years ago in Silicon Valley in the US; arguably the biggest, most innovative tech hub in the entire world. Now, as the company continues to expand, it hopes to bring the Silicon Valley mentality to cities like Hong Kong.