Janusfabrikken knits 120-year heritage instylish wool clothing
Tucked in between the fast-flowing Espeland waterfall and the historic Espeland railway station, which was once the village's lifeblood, Janusfabrikken's 120-year-old textile factory is an industrial marvel. Thanks to founder Anton Stephansen's adventurous spirit and the company's indomitable will to survive despite obstacles presented by changing fashions and technology, Janusfabrikken remains unmoved, as it seals its spot as Norway's top wool clothing producer.
Providing warmth, comfort and style to consumers in Norway and worldwide, Janusfabrikken has built a legacy of making customers feel good, safe and healthy, and has been a beacon of excellence in the underwear clothing industry. Guided by age-old competence, Janusfabrikken continues to create high-quality but affordable apparel for families, sports enthusiasts and professional workers. Applying the latest fabric technology, it develops new designs to cater not just to today's consumers but also to future markets.
"Everyone should be able to afford safe, healthy and high-quality clothes," says Janne Vangen Solheim, owner and CEO. "Our caring mindset drives us forward."
Janusfabrikken's innovative lines of sweaters, jackets and mid-layers bundle up babies, teenagers and adults. Its Prinseull and Prinsesseull lines are popular among kids for their royalty themes while its Janus Go sporty collection appeals to older children and teenagers. Using flame-retardant and chemical-free materials, Janusfabrikken's JanusPro utility apparel for industrial and military workers has won the Most Innovative Product award from the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise.
Expanding in Asia, Janusfabrikken plans on opening an online shop that caters to markets on the mainland. It will also build a warehouse in Beijing to make the Janus collections easily available in the region.
"Everything comes from China now so why not turn that around and have some Scandinavian-made clothing within the Chinese market," says Arne Fonneland, managing director. "I guarantee, once you put Janus clothes on, you won't take them off."