City’s new retirement mastery index reveals productive generation’s competency and control over retirement savings
How prepared are you for your eventual retirement years? You may think you are well prepared. But how well organised is your retirement strategy, compared to others?
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Now you can find out, thanks to Sun Life Hong Kong—a long serving insurer in Hong Kong with life, health and pension solutions. Last month, Sun Life Hong Kong commissioned a dedicated survey, which randomly chose 1,000 respondents, aged 30-45.
The survey considered Hong Kong people’s performance in three key areas, or pillars. Namely: Intelligence, which assesses the individuals’ own personal knowledge about retirement planning and retirement savings; Momentum, meanwhile, looks at the actual activities taken to plan and save for retirement; and finally, Positive Experiences represent an individual’s personal experiences during the time that they worked to achieve their retirement savings goals.
The feedback was meticulously extrapolated and calibrated and the final overall score of the inaugural Sun Life Retirement Mastery Index (Index) was found to be 56.3. Various degrees of “performance deficit” are registered for the three key areas of Intelligence, Momentum, and Positive Experiences. These performance deficits measure the gaps between perceived importance assigned by an individual and the real performance he or she puts out.
So what do the scores mean and why has Sun Life Hong Kong launched this Index now, considering that the awards-winning company already provides its clients and the community at large a range of tools and calculators to gauge their financial health? With the company’s retirement savings calculator being popular.
The Index, as it turns out, offers people working towards their financial retirement goals a respite from just being concerned about the amount of money they have saved and the saving gap.