When John Baptist Wu was the first Hong Kong bishop to visit China since 1949
His historic trip marked a significant step in dialogue, but he was barred from seeing jailed ‘counter-revolutionary’ Bishop Kong in Shanghai

“It will be Bishop Wu’s first visit to mainland China since leaving his native Guangdong province more than 30 years ago.”

On March 31, the Post reported that “the Roman Catholic Bishop of Hongkong was prevented by Chinese authorities from visiting a colleague who is in jail in Shanghai. The bishop […] told a Kai Tak press conference last night on his return from China that his delegation had made repeated requests for permission to visit Bishop Ignatius Kong, former prelate of Shanghai. Their requests were refused. Bishop Kong has been held in Shanghai since 1956, when he was labelled a ‘counter-revolutionary’. The whereabouts of his prison have not been revealed.
“Bishop Wu, who spent six days in China, is still confident however that a visit will one day be allowed to Bishop Kong, so that he can be told of the sympathy and concern for his plight.”