Donald Trump’s blood oxygen level was ‘dangerously low’ when he had Covid-19, new book says
- Donald Trump’s blood oxygen levels dipped lower than previously known when he had Covid-19 in October 2020
- Former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows revealed the detail in his book, The Chief’s Chief

Former US president Donald Trump’s blood oxygen level plunged to a dangerous low when he had Covid-19 last year.
Mark Meadows, former White House chief of staff, revealed the detail in his new book titled The Chief’s Chief.
It comes in stark contradiction to Trump’s denial that his bout with Covid-19 in October 2020 was not as bad as it seemed.
“That morning, Dr Conley pulled me aside and delivered some bad news,” Meadows wrote in the book, referring to Dr Sean P. Conley, who headed Trump’s medical team. “Although the president’s condition had improved slightly overnight, his oxygen levels had now dipped down to about 86 per cent and could be trending lower, a dangerously low level for someone his age.”
The doctors “had decided to put the president on oxygen in the residence and hope for the best,” Meadows added.
According to the The New York Times, Meadows described in the book visiting a bedridden Trump prior to the Walter Reed check-in, and the former president was wearing a T-shirt with dishevelled hair and red streaks in his eyes “from the hours he’d spent getting Regeneron in bed”.