Prank bid from ‘Racist McShootface’ puts US$65m price tag on gun George Zimmerman used to kill Trayvon Martin
Nationwide protests erupted over the 17-year-old’s shooting in 2012, in what the Zimmerman said was self-defence.

Bidding for the gun used by a Florida neighbourhood watchman to kill unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin hit US$65 million on Friday, as hoax buyers appeared to jack the controversial sale to astronomical levels.
Nationwide protests erupted over the 17-year-old’s shooting in 2012, in what the watchman George Zimmerman said was self-defence but which the teen’s family and friends claimed was a murder driven by racism.
Zimmerman’s trial and subsequent acquittal exposed deep racial fissures in US society.
Bids for the Kel-Tec PF-9, a 9mm pistol, began at US$5,000 on Thursday – already far above the market value of a secondhand weapon – and had reached $65,039,000 by Friday morning on, with more than four days left to go in the sale.
This is a gun that took a child’s life and now he wants to make money off of it
Some 1,019 bids had been made within less than 24 hours of the sale beginning on the United Gun Group auction site.