Killing Castro: CIA plotted to take out Cuban leader with poisoned cigars and exploding seashells

Mobsters, poisoned cigars, exploding seashells, a contaminated diving suit: the CIA’s imagination ran wild in its plots to assassinate Fidel Castro.
As the late Cuban leader’s ashes are laid to rest in the eastern city of Santiago de Cuba on Sunday, his cause of death remains a closely-guarded state secret.
Castro claimed he was the target of some 600 assassination plots, but it appears likely that it was simply old age that finally felled the death-defying communist leader. He was 90 and no longer president when he died on November 25.
CIA documents and a report by the US Senate’s Church Committee in 1975 reveal plots that were cooked up by spooks, including some that never left “the laboratory phase”.

Some early schemes didn’t even involve murdering Castro and seemed more like elaborate high school pranks.