Hong Kong may extend grace period to 3 years to fix subdivided flats: sources
Insiders say landlords will also need to pay a registration fee of between HK$1,000 and HK$3,000 for landlords to operate legally

Owners of subdivided homes in Hong Kong may get a grace period of up to three years to rectify their substandard flats, as part of compromises by housing authorities to be announced next week, the Post has learned.
Under amended proposals, to be submitted to the Legislative Council next week, landlords will also be required to pay a registration fee of between HK$1,000 (US$129) and HK$3,000 to operate legally, according to insiders.
But landlords may qualify for a discount on the fee if they are among the early birds to register.
“It [the discount] acts as an incentive for landlords to register in advance,” one of the sources said.
The administration is set to discuss its latest proposal with lawmakers on March 31.
The government earlier proposed drafting a new law allowing only registered subdivided flats – known as “basic housing units” – that meet minimum standards to remain on the rental market.