Hong Kong may add more voting stations near border for mainland-based residents in Legco poll
But constitutional affairs chief Erick Tsang says authorities have no plans to revise voting laws to allow Hongkongers to vote outside city

Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Erick Tsang Kwok-wai also reiterated on Sunday that more IT and technology would be used to improve efficiency in the election process, such as in voter registration and counting ballots.
“In the coming Legco election, we will follow more or less the same line of thinking [as before],” he said on a television show, referring to setting up polling stations near the border.
“We are also considering further enhancing or expanding the arrangement.”
Asked whether more such stations would be available, Tsang said: “There could be more choices for voters. But it all depends on the locations – whether a place is suitable for being used as a polling station.”
The border stations are part of a special arrangement first introduced during the pandemic to allow Hongkongers on the mainland to more easily cast their votes, instead of having to head to the regular polling sites.
The facilities were set up at three border crossings for the 2021 Legco election – Heung Yuen Wai, Lo Wu and the Lok Ma Chau Spur Line.