Just Saying | If Hong Kong is going to hell, isn’t Trump’s America already there?
- Yonden Lhatoo has a hell of a time unboxing the US president’s claim that the city is headed for eternal damnation because he has ‘taken back’ all the privileges that he ‘gave’

Good heavens above and great balls of fire, did US President Donald Trump just consign Hong Kong, like some modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah, to the everlasting fires of hell?
Did he, godlike in his omnipotence, condemn us wretched sinners to eternal damnation, declaring us no longer worthy of his grace and radiance that might otherwise have saved our souls?

Well, that was pretty much the message, though his exact words over the phone to his acolytes at the right-wing Fox Business news channel were that this hapless city of ours “can never succeed” under Chinese control and its markets would “go to hell”.
“Once China got aggressive and took it over, I took everything back. Everything’s back now. And it will fail,” he said. “Hong Kong is a very complex problem because we’ve given tremendous amounts of money in the form of incentives to make Hong Kong free, to make Hong Kong work – and to our detriment.