Civil servant pay cut to reduce Hong Kong deficit ‘counterproductive’: experts
Lawmaker and academic warn against cutting wages, suggest delaying minor infrastructure projects instead

The government could, for example, sell part of its stake in the MTR Corporation, the city’s rail operator, yielding billions of dollars, he said.
“Salary cuts bring forth many side effects. It’s not that they cannot make the cuts as the largest employer of Hong Kong, but when the market economy is still seeing salary increases, a salary cut from the government would be different from 1997, when the overall economy was handing out pay cuts,” Chong warned.
Lawmaker Andrew Lam Siu-lo echoed Chong’s views, saying cutting the wages of ministers and lawmakers would merely be “symbolic” and would not shave off much from public expenditure.
The estimate was more than double the HK$48.1 billion projected in last February’s budget.