Hong Kong ‘death by misadventure’ verdict after kidney disease patient died of liver failure when doctors failed to give her needed drug
- Coroner praises Michelle Wu, daughter of the late Tang Kwai-sze, who was 44, for her offer to donate part of her own liver to her mother, and for her role in the inquest
- Jury makes a string of recommendations to Hospital Authority to help prevent similar tragedies from happening again

A jury has ruled the death of a woman with kidney disease who developed serious liver problems after hospital treatment seven years ago was “misadventure” and a coroner told her daughter to channel the love she felt for her mother into “filling the void she has left”.
Coroner Monica Chow Wai-choo was speaking on Tuesday after a five-strong jury voted four to one for a death by misadventure verdict in the case of Tang Kwai-sze, 44, who, also carried hepatitis B, and who died on August 26, 2017 at Queen Mary Hospital after two liver transplants.
“On January 20, 2017 and February 17, 2017, Tang had taken a large dose of steroids, but without the prescription of antiviral drugs at the same time, causing a hepatitis B attack,” Chow said.

Chow singled out Tang’s daughter Michelle Wu and praised her courage for her offer at the time to donate part of her own liver to her mother, as well as for her participation in the inquest.