Picking sushi in Hong Kong could become more of a lottery now plastics ban has kicked in
- Major Japanese discount chain Don Don Donki replaces transparent plastic sushi boxes with cardboard ones in line with new rules for dining in
- But some buyers say the convenience of dining in outweighs not being able to see their sushi before they buy

Choosing sushi in Hong Kong could become more hit-and-miss after a major Japanese discount chain started to put the treat into cardboard boxes following the city’s plastic ban kicking in.
A check at the Don Don Donki store in Causeway Bay on Wednesday found that although some sushi products were packed in the usual transparent plastic boxes, others used cardboard packaging for people who wanted to eat in the shop’s seating area.
Buyers only had a picture on top of the biodegradable boxes to guide them on what the sushi looked like.
Jake Miller, 36, an American who works for a medical group, admitted he would prefer to buy his sushi in a see-through plastic box.

“Eating sushi and sashimi goes beyond the taste – the presentation is equally important,” Miller said.