Explainer | Coronavirus: who can get free fourth or fifth booster shot under Hong Kong’s revised vaccine scheme?
- Starting late April, city will stop offering free additional boosters to all residents
- Changes follow experts advising high-risk groups to get additional booster at least six months after previous jab or Covid infection

Starting late April, the city will stop offering free additional boosters to residents who do not fall in the high-risk category. Instead, they will have to get a fourth or fifth dose at a private clinic at their own expense.
The Post explains the recent updates to the city’s vaccination arrangements.
1. What are the latest updates to the programme?
Only those deemed at high risk of developing severe Covid symptoms can receive free additional boosters after April 20.
High-risk groups include residents aged 50 or above, people aged 18 to 49 who have chronic illnesses, the immunocompromised, pregnant women and healthcare workers. Others will have to pay for their fourth or fifth dose at private clinics.
Residents who are not part of the high-risk groups can still receive the first three jabs for free if they have never been infected before. If they wish to receive additional boosters they need to pay for them at private clinics.
Those who made bookings before April 20 will not be affected by the changes.